
ImageJ Plugins

Here you will find our plugins for the image processing software ImageJ, such as the 3D Color Inspector, Volume Viewer, and others.

3D Color Inspector

3D Color Inspector
Different visualization modes of the Color Inspector 3D plugin: A) Lab color distribution; B) the same from the top; C) HSB color space; D) RGB-3D color histogram; E) Color reduction to 32 colors; F) Image with reduced saturation

This 3D Color Inspector plugin shows the color distribution of an image within a 3D color space. The viewing angle can be adjusted with the mouse. Eleven different color spaces and five display modes are supported. By switching between color spaces, the relationship between different color spaces can be made visible. In addition, the effect of image manipulations can be studied on an image and the corresponding color distribution. Extensive documentation is available here.

Image Synthesizer

RGB colors as a function of the angle and distance to the center of the image
RGB colors as a function of the angle and distance to the center of the image

This plugin generates images from mathematical functions and primitive patterns in a predefined coordinate system. It can be used to synthesize test cards to analyze for example the behavior of filter operations or to test the functionality of various image processing algorithms. The tool can also be used in a teaching environment, where example images for presentations can be prepared or even to demonstrate basic principles of digital image processing. Further on, an artistic use to create images stacks or videos, is also imaginable. Image Synthesizer is also available as a stand-alone program. Github Link

Volume Viewer

volume rendering of an engine part
A volume rendering of an engine part using a user-defined transfer function and illumination

For high quality 3D volume renderings transfer functions have be defined. Typically, 1D transfer functions are used that assign a color and an alpha value to every intensity value of the volume data. 2D transfer functions use the gradient of the volume data as additional dimension to assign colors and alpha values. This Volume Viewer does automatic proposals for 1D or 2D transfer functions that will lead to pleasing volume renderings. These transfer functions serve as a starting point but they still can be modified to change the way the volume data is rendered.

Interactive 3D Surface Plot

3d surface plot
A 3d surface plot of an image (ImageJ sample image Blobs)

This plugin creates interactive surface plots from all ImageJ image types. Selections, which can be non-rectangular, are supported. The luminance of an image is interpreted as height for the plot. Internally the image is scaled to a square image using nearest neighbor sampling. For selections the bounding box of the selection is used for the surface plot. The viewing position of the plot can be adjusted with the mouse. Double click on the plot to show it from the top, triple click on it to show it from the front.

Mean Shift Filter

mean shift filter
Original image and Mean shift filtering using different parameters

This plugin is a very simple implementation of a mean shift filter that can be used for edge-preserving smoothing or for segmentation. Important edges of an image might be easier detected after mean shift filtering. It uses a circular flat kernel and the color distance is calculated in the YIQ color space. For each pixel of an image, the set of neighboring pixels is determined. For this set of neighbor pixels, the new spatial center (spatial mean) and the new color mean value are calculated. These calculated mean values will serve as the new center for the next iteration. At the end, the final mean color will be assigned to the starting position.

Relevant Publications

Automatic Generation of Volumetric Transfer Functions

Kai Uwe Barthel
4th ImageJ User & Developer Conference, 2012

This paper introduces new features in the ImageJ Volume Viewer plugin, including automatic suggestions for 1D and 2D transfer functions to improve 3D volume renderings. These functions can be adjusted by the user to enhance visualization quality.

3D-Data Representation with ImageJ

Kai Uwe Barthel
First ImageJ User and Developer Conference, Luxembourg, 2006

The paper discusses three ImageJ plugins – 3D Color Inspector, 3D Surface Plot, and Volume Viewer – that use 3D display techniques for image data. It highlights the shared algorithms among these plugins and introduces a new Java framework designed to simplify the creation of other plugins that require 3D data visualization.