
Visually search and explore huge dynamic image collections like Wikimedia.
Navigu is a web app for exploring and navigating large image collections. It uses advanced graph-based algorithms to organize images by similarities. This allows for efficient searching and dynamic exploration of large image collections.


Connected sources:
Pixabay, ETH Images, ImageNet, Fashion


List of relevant publications NAvigation in Visual Image Graphs gets User-friendly

Kai Uwe Barthel, Nico Hezel, Konstantin Schall, Klaus Jung
2023 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR '23)

We propose a solution that significantly reduces search times and increases efficiency in visual search systems for large image collections. By combining two separate image graphs, our method enables fast approximate nearest neighbor search and real-time visual exploration through a web browser.

Improved Evaluation and Generation Of Grid Layouts Using Distance Preservation Quality and Linear Assignment Sorting

Kai Uwe Barthel, Nico Hezel, Klaus Jung, Konstantin Schall
Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 42, Issue 1 (2023)

We introduce distance preservation quality (DPQ) as a new metric for evaluating visually sorted grid layouts, which shows a stronger correlation with user-perceived quality and retrieval performance compared to existing metrics. Additionally, we present Fast Linear Assignment Sorting (FLAS), an efficient algorithm for creating high-quality grid layouts while optimizing runtime and computational resources.

Combining Semantic and Visual Image Graphs for Efficient Search and Exploration of Large Dynamic Image

Kai Uwe Barthel, Nico Hezel, Konstantin Schall, Klaus Jung
2nd International Workshop on Interactive Multimedia Retrieval (IMuR '22)

We demonstrate a method to significantly reduce search times for high-dimensional image feature vectors by combining two image graphs, achieving faster approximate nearest neighbor search and improved search efficiency. Our approach also allows real-time visual exploration of large image collections in a standard web browser and adapts dynamically to changes in the image dataset.

Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to contact us. If these are images that are of general interest and can be shown publicly, we may be able to set up a Navigu for them.

You can also try ImageX.

Simply copy the current Navigu URL and send it to someone else.